In an effort to better meet the needs of our staff and members across the state, Chief Executive Officer Dr. Brad Holloway named Chris Jackson, DCoun, LPC as the new Chief Clinical Officer (CCO) for the northern branches of Birch Tree Communities. Dr. Jackson will begin serving as CCO – North effective May 12, 2024, providing immediate supervision for Mountain View, Oxford, Newport, Conway, Russellville, and Clarksville. Christie Owen, LPC will continue in her role as CCO – South, providing supervision to Malvern, AHC, Benton Town, Hope House, Clinton, and Evergreen.

Dr. Jackson began working with Birch Tree Communities in December 2007 and has 12 years of experience as a Director of Branch Operations. He served as director for the Clinton, Mountain View, Oxford, and Newport branches through those years, and most recently served as the director for the Mountain View, Newport, and Oxford branches. Dr. Jackson also serves as an adjunct instructor of psychology for Ozarka College.

Dr. Jackson holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from California State University – Sacramento (2001), Master of Counseling from Southwestern Seminary (2006), Doctor of Counseling from Midwestern College (2015), and will complete a Master of Business Administration from Arkansas State University in August 2024.

“Birch Tree Communities is extremely fortunate to have a highly educated and hardworking staff that is ready to step into leadership roles,” said CEO Brad Holloway. “Dr. Jackson has many years of experience caring for the population of adults that we serve, and we are thankful for his willingness to play an integral role on our executive team. We are certain that he will continue to expand our reach across the state and advance the services that we provide to our members.”